Take advantage of Blue Friday with 15% off everything, including replica kit and PUMA Casual Wear!
Blue Friday is now live at www.theposhonlinestore.com and that means you can take advantage of 15% off everything including Replica Kit, Training Wear, the hugely popular PUMA Casual Wear as well all of the new PUMA Kids range.
The incredible sale is on until midnight on Monday 30th November, so what are you waiting for, get across to www.theposhonlinestore.com and secure your items!
With Christmas just over a month away, it is the perfect time to do your festive shopping from the comfort of your own home, but remember we also have the option of Click and Collect, if you would prefer to get a bit of fresh air during these difficult times.
The Click and Collect option is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am until 2pm.