Darragh MacAnthony Bond scheme

Following the official launch of pre-registration for the Peterborough United Bond, Chairman Darragh MacAnthony talks about the benefits of the bond.

“It’s the fans’ chance to help us improve our facilities, which will help them as well. They’ll enjoy the facilities we’re going to spend the money on.

It’s also a way for us to be closer to our supporters and we know from the early marketing that there’s a big appetite for this. It’s a chance for a fan to make 9% on their money every year for 5 years, and a 15% bonus with promotion to the Championship.

The beauty about what we’re doing is, for years – like all clubs – we’ve paid interest and factoring fees and all the rest. We’ve paid out a lot of money to different big companies. You know, I’d rather our fans make some money from lending to us than always paying interest to these companies. It’s great that this gives them an opportunity to grow their money while showing their support.”

The Peterborough United Bond has been designed to enable supporters to play their part in creating the exciting next chapter for the Club, while benefiting from a return on their investment. The key terms of the Bond are as follows:

  • 9% interest per annum
  • 15% cash bonus if PUFC is promoted to the Championship by 2026/27
  • Eligible for tax-free returns through an Innovative Finance ISA
  • Minimum investment £500

Pre-register now at Tifosy.com


Exclusive Bondholder Privileges

As well as an annual interest payment and the possibility of a major bonus if the Club is promoted, a unique set of exclusive, money-can’t-buy Bondholder Privileges are being offered at different investment tiers.


Pre-register now at www.tifosy.com/pufc to receive priority access to invest 1 week ahead of the launch to the general public.

Please note that investment in a security of this nature, being an illiquid investment, involves a substantial degree of risk and returns are not guaranteed. An explanation of the risks and the full terms and conditions is available at www.tifosy.com/pufc.

Approved as a financial promotion by Tifosy Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (no. 717605).