Foundation June

This is our first monthly roundup of all the activity currently being undertaken by the Peterborough United Foundation. 

As we head into July, we reflect on June and take a look at the activities taking place at Peterborough United Foundation over the next month.

It’s been a busy month at Peterborough United Foundation, and we have plenty coming up over the summer. Summer Holiday Camps are now upon us with schools set to finish imminently for the break. 

June is Pride Month and we caught up with Foundation Community Manager, Jenna Lusk, on her experiences as part of the LGBTQ+ Community. 

At the start of June, we were also proud to be awarded with a Literacy Champion Certificate by the National Literacy Trust. Literacy Champions are self-led volunteers who are passionate about making a difference in their community or organisation. They are advocates, influencers and fundraisers who understand the power of literacy in changing life stories, and this is something we’ve worked hard on within the Foundation. 

Gavin Slater, Peterborough United Foundation’s School Sports Manager, has been key to the work we’ve done in the local community with regards to literacy and reading – he’s organised numerous events to make reading more accessible and appealing to the young people in our area and this award highlights the fantastic work he and his team of coaches have done.

On 7th June, we held our annual Scholarship Awards Night, recognising the efforts of the players on our Football & Education programme – ran in partnership with Nene Park Academy. The evening was a huge success, seeing a record number of attendees witness a brilliant celebratory evening. 

Our Health & Wellbeing offering has also continued to run smoothly and successfully, with Extra Time Hubs, Walking Football, Chair-based exercises, Mindful Motion, Yoga United and Healthy Habits, Healthy Lives all being well attended and participants experiencing fantastic results.

This was highlighted by our first Healthy Habits, Healthy Lives group, who reported weight loss, reductions in clothing sizes and generally having healthier lifestyles as a result of the programme. 

Looking ahead to July, we’ve got lots of exciting activities and projects coming up. Summer Holiday Camps are upon us and we’re also running Kellogg’s Summer Camps, whereby free places can be claimed with promotional codes found on their packaging. 

We’ve also got a number of stadium tours planned for various partners. In July, we’ll be welcoming Barnardos, Stanground Academy, Hampton College, Hampton Gardens School, Arthur Mellows Village College for tours, whilst we’ll also be visiting them to deliver coaching sessions to their students.

Towards the end of the month, pre-season will begin for our Girls Elite and Development Centre players, with weekly sessions taking place with coaches Georgia Clarke and Tom England.

Our boys coaches will also be delivering sessions over the summer in the form of group football sessions for boys from U8 – U16. These sessions have proved to be extremely popular and we’re looking forward to welcoming a record number of players to these sessions over the summer months.

Peterborough United Foundation are currently on the lookout for new sponsors and partners, with several opportunities available across all of our departments and projects. If you or someone you know owns a company and would like to become a partner to the Foundation, please email for more information and to have a conversation. 

If you’d like to learn more about Peterborough United Foundation, their projects and ongoing efforts in the community, you can visit their website or email them on