Ben Seymour-Shove

Ben Seymour-Shove has been given the opportunity of taking the Assistant Academy Manager job alongside his Head of Education role.

There have been a number of changes within the Academy in recent weeks with Head of Education Ben Seymour-Shove taking on the Assistant Academy Manager's role. 

Seymour-Shove, who returned to PE2 in August 2023 after a spell as a player at the club in the early 2010s within the Academy, is currently enrolled on the Premier League's Future Leader's Course and will assist Academy Director Dan Robinson with the overall running of the Category Two Academy.

Robinson said: "As Ben is currently on the Premier League’s Future Leaders Course, the timing is right to support his development in this new role. He has done an excellent job since returning to the club and he will now support myself and Alicia Rangolam with the management of the Academy."

Seymour-Shove said: "I am delighted that Dan has offered me this opportunity to learn more about how you run a Category Two Academy and I couldn't have two better people than Dan and former Academy Manager Kieran Scarff to learn from. 

"I love working at this football club. When I came back after a quite a time away, it was great to see so many former players working within the Academy. When I was a young player all those years ago, I don't think that I would have predicted I would be back doing what I am doing, but I am really enjoying it and grateful for the opportunities that I have been given."

Dan Horton is stepping up to head up the Sports Science and Medicine department from Sports Science Lead and Ryan Jones has moved from Assistant Youth Phase Lead to Youth Phase Lead Coach.